Rabbi Kook
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Rabbi Kook's love for the Jewish people was the result of penetrating and divine insight into this people's true essence.
The Importance of the Desire to Understand the World
One who knows how to calculate the seasons and track the constellations and does not do so – it is forbidden to speak with him. -
The Impact of a Morally Corrosive Source of Information
One who learns even one thing from an amgosh (a negative person, whose specific fault is the subject of a subsequent gemara) is deserving of death. -
Melacha - Quality, Not Amount of Force
ne who tightens the thread of fabrics [that were already sewn together but became loosened – Rashi] on Shabbat, requires a chatat offering [for atonement for violating Shabbat]. -
Can Removing Be Positive?
[We begin with the piece of gemara discussed last time and continue with the new section, which ensues, regarding untying.] Where was tying done in the Mishkan [which would make it a melacha on Shabbat]? Rava said: They would tie things to the stakes that held the tent in place. Abaye said: That is tying while having in mind to untie it [as the Mishkan was periodically moved]?! Rather, said Abaye: It was when the weavers of the fabric sheets, upon a thread being broken, would tie it up. That explains [the origins of] tying; what can you say about untying. If you suggest that it was when two threads were accidentally tied together so that it was necessary to undo one of them, [this does not make sense]. After all, even when preparing something for a human king, one does not act in such [an unprofessional manner, to have to redo things], all the more so when it is done for the King, who is the King of kings. -
Untying as One Is Elevated
Where was tying done in the Mishkan [which would make it a melacha on Shabbat]? Rava said: They would tie things to the stakes that held the tent in place. Abaye said: That [is not a melacha,] as it is tying while having in mind to untie it [as the Mishkan was periodically moved]?! Rather, said Abaye: It was when the weavers of the fabric sheets, upon a thread being broken, would tie it up. -
Connecting to Set ideas
Where was tying done in the Mishkan? Rava said: They would tie things to the stakes that held the tent in place. -
Philosophical Selection
Rav Bibi was interacting with the talmidim. Rav Ami and Rav Asi came. Rav Bibi threw a basket of fruit before them. It was not clear if it was because he holds that it is forbidden to take the desired food from the undesired food [on Shabbat] or because [putting all before them] was a sign of generosity. -
Different Ways to Connect the Holy and the Mundane
Rav Huna says: If one is walking on distant routes or is in the desert and he does not know when Shabbat is, he counts six days and then observes one day as Shabbat. Chiya bar Rav says: He observes one day as Shabbat and then counts six more days [of presumed weekday]. What is the basis of their argument? One opinion follows the creation of the world, [which started with six days and ended with Shabbat]. The other opinion follows Adam, [who, being created on the sixth day, observed Shabbat right away and then had six weekdays]. -
True Happiness of the Highest and Almost Highest Levels
There is a story of R. Akiva, who made a party for his son. For each glass of wine they brought, he said: “Wine and life according to the Rabbis; life and wine according to the Rabbis and according to their students.”
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